Friday, May 30, 2014

Can Chocolate diet make you lose weight? The facts

It is a very common question; can chocolate in the diet help you lose weight?” To answer this question about this very delicious food we will look at what the real science research has to say about the subject. It is clear that the thousands of people who read are losing good weight; the reason is because the right combination of certain foods in a science based diet causes fat to come off the body.  Can chocolate in the diet help you lose weight?”  Can it reduce the stubborn inflammation body fat? The answer is yes but the fact of the matter is that it must be used in the correct way to see any real benefits.


The Darker the cocoa the sweeter the weight loss


When seeking of real weight loss we must realize that science shows that dark cocoa can do some very amazing thing for the body, when used in the right diet. The majority of candy bars use milk chocolate which will not work to drop your inflammation body fat, the benefits only comes from real dark cocoa.




A new research study has added to the tons of other chocolate research which proves that not only does cocoa improves heart health, diabetes, and brain function, it help lower fat on the body when used in the right way



Study "Adults who consumed chocolate more frequently had a lower BMI than those who consumed chocolate less often," said the study led by Beatrice Golomb and colleagues at the University of California San Diego.


It is important to know why cocoa has this effect and how you can benefit, it is clear that the darker the chocolate the more phytochemicals, it is these phyto-chemicals that improves heart health, diabetes and weight loss.


Can Chocolate diet make you lose weight? is how


The diet must be one that lowers inflammation body fat which is what the dark chocolate does.  


The Cocoa must be 75% real chocolate or more, this is not very sweet it is sometimes referred to as bitter chocolate; it may take a while for some people to get use to the “not so sweet taste”.  When used in a science based diet it can lead to really good loss of body fat

You may use any brand of dark chocolate, the one above is only one of many places that sell dark chocolate bars.



How to be thin now



When European researchers used a specialized diabetes inspired diet on overweight people without diabetes an amazing thing occurred, the inflammatory body-fat was reversed and all lost significant body weight. Here we see a true loss of real inflammatory fat. This is a science based diet and nothing causes faster weight loss.


If you are not reducing inflammatory fat you are not getting healthy and only a science based diet can do this.  The addition dark chocolate causes an increased effect, leading to more fat loss.



Why did a diabetic styled diet work for people with or without diabetes?


Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and so is being overweight; it makes sense that the diet could be created which was styled from a diabetic type diet to stop the inflammatory fat. The diet caused overweight people without diabetes to become naturally thin; this was how to really eliminate the fat” The message is clear that this is how to lose weight


Inflammatory fat around the waist and on the body can be very stubborn to remove, most commercial diets are a waste of time but science has given us the solution; this was the only real life solution from real science.

You can chose how thin you want to be, losing real inflammatory fat is  a very achievable goal when you utilize real science!    


Simply do step by step what the researchers did with this diet to get thinner and you can definitely eat dark chocolate.  Thousands of people in over 10 countries have lose weight this science based diet, Do you want to lose body fat?


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Can I Diet, eat Bread and still Lose Weight? Yes

One of the biggest misconceptions regarding trying to lose weight is bread in the diet; there are so many people who have been misled into thinking that bread is an enemy when dieting. The thousands of people who read this site daily understand that the right combination of foods in the right diet causes a loss of body fat. Can you lose weight and eat bread? The answer is yes! And to confirm this we will once again turn to real science for real weight loss.


Bread or no bread Amen!


The story comes from a wonder man who once lived in the Caribbean; it seems that when an old man went to church, he could not stop yelling amen loudly, and this in turn bothered many of the people attending the church service. Knowing that the old man was very poor the minister spoke with him and offered him unlimited amounts of bread each Sunday to take home if he would stop yelling Amen through out the service. The old man agreed and this worked for about 3 Sundays. On the fourth Sunday the minister gave a powerful message and the old man was fighting to keep his mouth shut…The minister was on fire and the old man was bursting but stayed quiet... at the height of the message the old man could not hold it any longer and he stood up and shouted in the church…BREAD OR NO BREAD..AMEN...AMEN...AMEN!


This man was bribed with bread to stop yelling and the dieting lie is just the opposite, they bribe resist the bread and you lose weight. The fact of the matter is that you can actually lose really good body fat while eating bread.



The Study


People 65 and over who added as little as two slices of whole grain bread a day to their diet had a lower risk of new cardiovascular disease, says a study in the April 2 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The fiber in pumpernickel bread was shown to not only lower inflammation fat( this is the stuff that so hard to remove from the body) but the bread also reduce the nasty fat in the arteries.  


Apparently it was the fiber that scrubbed the fat and lowered heart disease but the thousands who read this site know that you need the “whole food” to get the benefit not one part such as the fiber. 


The reseachers commented on how an affect like this was noticed in seniors, imagine the effect in people who are younger!


"It's always nice to have another group specifically targeted. It helps to give more scientific support for the general recommendation that's been in place for quite a while in terms of increasing the amount of dietary fiber, and in particular the more complex fibers."  Dr. Stephen Siegel, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at New York University School of Medicine who was not associated with the study



Remember it is not only the fiber in the bread but ALL the nutrients combined which caused the effect.  This is how so many thousands of people have lost 30 pounds with this website, the right foods in a science based diet causes the loss of body fat.


Using bread in a science diet and get as thin as you like



How to be thin now



When European researchers used a specialized diabetes inspired diet on overweight people without diabetes an amazing thing occurred, the inflammatory body-fat was reversed and all lost significant body weight. Here we see a true loss of real inflammatory fat. This is a science based diet and nothing causes faster weight loss.


If you are not reducing inflammatory fat you are not getting healthy and only a science based diet can do this.



Why did a diabetic styled diet work for people with or without diabetes?


Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and so is being overweight; it makes sense that the diet could be created which was styled from a diabetic type diet to stop the inflammatory fat. The diet caused overweight people without diabetes to become naturally thin; this was how to really eliminate the fat” The message is clear that this is how to lose weight


Inflammatory fat around the waist and on the body can be very stubborn to remove, most commercial diets are a waste of time but science has given us the solution; this was the only real life solution from real science.

You can chose how thin you want to be, losing real inflammatory fat is  a very achievable goal when you utilize real science!    


Simply do step by step what the researchers did with this diet to get thinner and you can definitely eat bread.






Friday, May 9, 2014

Women diet and a loss of 30 pounds with berries

When women use strawberries and raspberries in a science based diet to remove inflammation fat there are wonderful things which happen to the body.  Berries are a wonderful addition to a dieting plan for women but it is crucial that it be used in the right way to achieve the best results, the battle against inflammatory fat is very real and removing this excessive fat from the body must be done in the right way if  you are to be successful.



All excessive fat on the body is inflammation fat, this is not easy to remove especially around certain areas such as, the belly, hips and thighs.  When a diet is truly based on science it will always revolve around reducing inflammation fat but sadly there are very few if any diets that are truly created to reduce inflammation fat, this is one of the major reasons dieting is such as failure for most people.  We are not reducing inflammation fat. When used in the right diet real Raspberries and strawberries can stimulate a wonderful loss of body fat.



The power of Raspberries and strawberries resides in the color, the dark red and blue colors indicate powerful phyto0-chemicals that can remove that stubborn fat off the body. You also get 25% of your recommended intake for vitamin C and manganese with raspberries.

Raspberries are low in fat and have high levels of polyphenols, which help reduce heart disease risk, what most people are not aware of is that raspberries and blueberries help get the inflammation fat off the body when used in a diet that reduces inflammation fat, simply eating a handful of berries is not enough, it must be included in a diet to reduce inflammation fat.


Women and diet can be a very confusing subject; a recent study from the University of California showed that over 90% of diets simply do not work. It is science that creates real weight loss. 



One woman lost 30 pounds with strawberries in a diet created to remove inflammation fat.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Buttermilk pancakes in a Science diet can make you lose weight




In an effort to lose weight buttermilk pancakes when used in a science based diet may be a delicious way to get your body a whole lot thinner. In the quest to lose weight many of us are seeking foods which can finally remove the excessive inflammatory body fat but most of us are failing. It is important to know that there are good fats that can help remove fat from the body, buttermilk with its rich and creamy flavor can be included in a diet which can help you lose weight.


Most people are not aware that buttermilk with its saturated fats can be extremely healthy; science has been showing dieters real buttermilk does a body good even with its whole fat. One of the reasons why losing weight is such as serious subject is the fact that excessive body fat is not only unattractive it is also connected to higher cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, but this is where buttermilk can help you get health. Science has shown that real buttermilk is actually good for the body



A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) found in buttermilk is rich in unique bioactive protein that has cholesterol-lowering, antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. In this study, scientists found that drinking buttermilk significantly lowered blood pressure, if had on a daily basis.


This website is one of the most popular on the Internet for weight loss, this website is used in over 10 countries by those seeking real weight loss from real science.  The study makes it clear that buttermilk can lower blood pressure but it can even do more than this to help your health.


A study published by the US national institute of health found that components in chaas or buttermilk are very effective in keeping ones cholesterol levels under check. According to health practitioners drinking a tall glass of buttermilk once a day is the best way to keep your cholesterol levels in check. 



Buttermilk pancakes can be used as a late night snack and used in moderation it can actually help the body burn fat when combined with a science based diet!


 Make sure you do not over do it. Used with real maple syrup, buttermilk pancakes can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and help reduce body fat in a science based diet.




How to be thin now



When European researchers used a specialized diabetes inspired diet on overweight people without diabetes an amazing thing occurred, the inflammatory body-fat was reversed and all lost significant body weight. Here we see a true loss of real inflammatory fat. This is a science based diet and nothing causes faster weight loss.


If you are not reducing inflammatory fat you are not getting healthy and only a science based diet can do this.



Why did a diabetic styled diet work for people with or without diabetes?


Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and so is being overweight, it makes sense that the diet could be created which was styled from a diabetic type diet to stop the inflammatory fat. The diet caused overweight people without diabetes to become naturally thin; this was how to really eliminate the fat” The message is clear that this is how to lose weight


Inflammatory fat around the waist and on the body can be very stubborn to remove, most commercial  diets are a waste of time but science has given us the solution; this was the only real life solution from real science.

You can chose how thin you want to be, losing real inflammatory fat is  a very achievable goal when you utilize real science!    


Simply do step by step what the researchers did with this diet to get thinner and definitely use buttermilk pancakes.


